Research Themes
Communication, Technology and Society
Media, Culture and Social Change
Global Media
Policy and Political Economy
Anniversary Conference
Doctoral Programme
Policy Observatory
Digital media and politics
Local news as political institution and the repercussions of ‘news deserts’: A qualitative study of seven UK local areas
Kamala Harris’s ‘Brat summer’: how memes can change a political campaign
How maps are used and abused in times of conflict
The Caring Public Sphere: Reframing the Concept in an Era of Care Crises
Participatory action research in critical data studies: Interrogating AI from a South–North approach
The Datafication of Migrant Bodies and the Enactment of Migrant Subjectivities: Biometric Data, Power and Resistance at the Borders of Europe
Public Service Media and the Internet: Two Decades in Review
Media Activism, Artivism and the Fight Against Marginalisation in the Global South
Social movements and digital media in the UK
Contrasting Federal and State Government Communication on Facebook in Brazil: Contradictory Messages and Realities
The government is right to want to protect the vulnerable from harmful social media, but it’s going about it in the wrong way
Climate change: why tech companies must address emissions caused by streaming and scrolling
South-to-South media activism and artivism to fight marginalisation in the Global South
Dismantling AI capitalism: the commons as an alternative to the power concentration of Big Tech
Social media can support environmental movements – but not in the way you might think
Geopolitics of China’s Rising Media and Soft Power in Africa: Eating and Being Eaten
Environmental movements and digital media
(Un)welcome guests: Transnational video-on-demand and the new European works quotas
Frack-Off: Social Media Fights Against Fracking in Argentina
The Technopolitics of Mapping Dar es Salaam: An examination of the technological and political motivations of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Ofcom is in trouble. Paul Dacre doesn’t have the answers
‘Viral journalism’, is it a thing? Adapting quality reporting to shifting social media algorithms and wavering audiences
Foundations of Critical Theory. Media, Communication and Society Volume Two
Social media industries and the rise of the platform
Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene
The self(ie) in the Anthropocene
The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto
Punitive laws are failing to curb misinformation in Africa. Time for a rethink
The Role of Social Media Influencers in The Spectacle of Soft Power
“Cross-editing”: Comparing News Output Through Journalists’ Re-working of Their Rivals’ Scripts
Is the Locus Charter enough to rein in the power of tech companies?
Counterrevolution and Revolutionary discontent: Syria, Libya, Yemen and Bahrain
Social Media: A Critical Introduction (Third Edition)
Marxist Humanism and Communication Theory
The Digital Commons and the Digital Public Sphere: How to Advance Digital Democracy Today
Fake news in science and how to fight it
Decolonising the Curriculum? Which Curriculum? How? and by Whom?
Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the internet: give us back control of our data
Cornel West and Marxist Humanism
Public service media in the age of SVoDs: A comparative study of PSM strategic responses in Flanders, Italy and the UK
Engels@200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism
The way we use data is a life or death matter – from the refugee crisis to COVID-19
More than just a little flu
From Counterpublics to Contentious Publicness: Tracing the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Articulations of Popular Protest Through Social Media
The Ethics of Data Management in Mapping Crisis
Chávez’s Aló Presidente and its Impact on Venezuela’s Journalistic Practice
Adjusting Democracy Assistance to the Age of Digital Dissidents
How to map an emergency? The role of cartography in a crisis
California wildfires: why a gender-reveal party got all the blame, but shouldn’t have
New Book: Mapping Crisis
Revisiting Latin American Media Democratisation Theories and the Populist Factor
Fact Checking and Information in the Age of Covid
A Reverse-Engineered Insurrection
The extractive infrastructures of contact tracing apps
Advocating for Public Service Media: Scholarship and Praxis
Towards a critical theory of communication as renewal and update of Marxist humanism in the age of digital capitalism
Brands may support Black Lives Matter, but advertising still needs to decolonise
Erich Fromm and the Critical Theory of Communication
#DefundtheBBC: the anatomy of a social media campaign
Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory
Why do we happily give our data to shops but not the state?
History and Class Consciousness 2.0: Georg Lukács in the age of digital capitalism and big data
A Mediação de Vídeos pelo YouTube: Política Conectiva na Comunicação de um Partido e de dois Movimentos Sociais
Viral Media – New issue of WPCC
Crisis mapping: Regionalise, prepare and research
The Ethics of the Digital Commons
Reproduced, Reinterpreted, Lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts
Special Issue: Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism
How ‘WhatsApp group admin’ became one of the most powerful jobs in politics
Theory, Reality, and Possibilities for a Digital/Communicative Socialist Society
We need a full public service internet – state-owned infrastructure is just the start
Journalists must not allow themselves to be used by unscrupulous politicians
The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Masters House: New approaches to ethical issues in data
What Will the Internet Look Like in 2030?
Captain Chainsaw is burning the Amazon, and the rest of the world is cheering him on.
Community, Media, and the City
What is Critical Digital Social Research? Five Reflections on the Study of Digital Society
Boris Johnson Takes His Brexit Demagoguery to the Social Media Sphere
Henry A. Giroux and the Culture of Neoliberal Fascism
Cartography: The Ideal and its History
Live democracy and its tensions: making sense of livestreaming in the 15M and Occupy
When a natural disaster strikes, it’s too late to start making maps
Connective Politics, Videos, and Algorithms: YouTube’s Mediation of Audiovisual Political Communication
Tech companies collect our data every day, but even the biggest datasets can’t solve social issues
Transparency, knowledge and the commons in social movements
Do big data and data mining influence our identities? Interview with Jacob Johanssen
Slow media: how to renew debate in the age of digital authoritarianism
One Question: Have social media become a divisive force?
How Russian Rap on YouTube Advances Alternative Political Deliberation: Hegemony, Counter-Hegemony, and Emerging Resistant Publics
Revisiting the Althusser/E. P. Thompson-Controversy: Towards a Marxist theory of communication
El Salvador: young maverick Bukele wins presidential election, but country’s future remains uncertain
Happy Birthday, Facebook! Why the Celebrations Have to be Postponed Until 2024…
Social Media, Big Data, and Critical Marketing
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects
How Jair Bolsonaro used ‘fake news’ to win power
The Online Advertising Tax
Racism, Nationalism and Right-Wing Extremism Online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook
Media Theory, Public Relevance and the Propaganda Model Today
The Rise of Authoritarian Capitalism
Propaganda and social control in the 21st Century: an interview with the editors of The Propaganda Model Today
What would Marx have said about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica?
From the Cartographic Gaze to Contestatory Cartographies
Did You Find the World or Did You Make it Up? Media, Communications and Geography in the Digital Age
Violent videos put journalists at increased risk of post-traumatic stress
Henri Lefebvre’s Theory of the Production of Space and the Critical Theory of Communication
New Poles in Uncertain Times?
Religious Intolerance: A challenge for the European Media
How can creating a public service internet challenge the power of Google and Facebook?
Nicaragua crisis: how democracy dies in the era of fake news
How Corbyn’s Plan To Tax Google And Facebook Could Create A Public Service Internet
Media and the ‘Populist Moment’
Authoritarian capitalism, authoritarian movements and authoritarian communication
Major New Book on Global Media and Activism
Maternal Rights Digital Activism and Intersectional Feminism: an Analysis of the Independent Media Platform “Cientista Que Virou Mãe”
UK can lead the way on ethical AI, says Lords Committee, citing work of Mercedes Bunz
Ferments in the Field: Introductory Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies
Will the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Be the “Smoking Gun” of Donald Trump’s Watergate?
Who are the Bullies?
What’s behind Alexei Navalny’s digital challenge to Vladimir Putin’s regime? Five things to know.
Why There Are Certain Parallels Between Joachim C. Fest’s Hitler-Biography and Michael Wolff’s Trump-Book
Competing narratives in framing disability in the UK media: a comparative analysis of journalistic representations of facial disfigurement versus practices of self-representations online
Fake News Is Not Just The Word Of The Year, But A Danger To Democracy That Can Only Be Overcome By Adequate Legal And Media Reforms
Lore in the time of cholera
Immaterial Labour and Reality TV: The Affective Surplus of Excess
Call for Papers: Geography and Communications
How propaganda from the Russian Revolution brought about today’s ‘troll factories’
Without social media, many Zimbabweans could have died in the Mugabe crisis
Undressing with the Lights On: Surveillance and The Naked Society in a Digital Era
How memes are being used to fight back against social media censorship in Russia
Sonic Oppression, Echoes of Resistance and the Changing Soundscapes of Rio’s Favelas in the Build-Up to the Olympics
The First Rule Of Fight Club: Or 3 Reasons Why Rap Battles Are A (Political) Viral Hit In Russia
Democracy, protest and public sphere in Russia after the 2011–2012 anti-government protests: digital media at stake
David Gauntlett at the BFI Media Conference
People Don’t Want Politics, They Want ‘Covfefe’
The Leaked Facebook Content Guidelines Show One Thing: No Policy Can Ever Completely Monitor User Behaviour
(Mis)Representing Terrorism in Global Media
Why we need “Robo Laws”
Sick of “strong and stable leadership”? Blame brain scans
Connecting Communities: Knowledges, Maps and the Issue with Big Data
The state and the development of an information society: Greek policy and experience
Persistent Activist Communication in Occupy Gezi
Fed Up With Local Government, Siberian Environmentalists Beg Leonardo DiCaprio for Help
When Ads Meet Fascism On YouTube: What The Recent Google-Scandal Tells Us About Big Data Capitalism
The people’s memes: how social media and populism are changing our lives
The People’s Memes: Populist Politics in a Digital Society
Jean Seaton on KPFA discussing George Orwell’s 1984
What are we missing? An empirical exploration in the structural biases of hashtag-based sampling on Twitter
Parody Microbloggers as Chroniclers and Commentators on Russian Political Reality
The Crosland Legacy: The Future of British Social Democracy
When Media and Management Collide: An Interview with Lucy Küng, July 2016
Using Product Variables of Business- to-Business (B2B) Media to Assess the Impacts of Social Media
Radio spectrum battles: Television broadcast vs wireless broad-band and the future of PSB
Conversations about the elections on Twitter: Towards a structural understanding of Twitter’s relation with the political and the media field
Book Review: Surveillance after Snowden
BRICS: Building a NWICO 2.0?
Fishy Neoliberalism in Morocco
The Political Quarterly: Chilcot Collection
The Orwell Lecture 2016 ‘The Right to Dissent (and the Left too)’
What The US Presidential Election Result Tells Us About the Failures Of Big Data Analytics And Neoliberalism As Big Data Capitalism
The Facebook/Admiral Scandal Shows The Limits And Dangers Of Big Data Capitalism
Terms of Media II: Looking at Technical Interfaces Looking
Legal Struggles In The Age Of Uber-Capitalism: Are Uber-Drivers Workers Or Self-Employed?
Tony Wright Discusses Democracy in Britain with Jean Seaton for Political Quarterly
User-Generated Ideology On Social Media: A New Study Shows How Users Oppose And Support Jeremy Corbyn On Twitter
Flexibility and media production: a theoretical debate
Right-Wing Extremism 2.0: The Austrian Presidential Election on Social Media
Not belonging to one’s self: Affect on Facebook’s site governance page
Securing Video Analytics Data to Enhance Pay-TV Profitability
What social media data mean for audience studies: a multidimensional investigation of Twitter use during a current affairs TV programme
The new instantaneity: how social media are helping us privilege the (politically) correct over the true
Social Movements and Political Agency in the Digital Age: A Communication Approach
The Tragic Downfall of British Media
The new Architecture of Communications
When the President Divorced His Wife and Married the Country Instead
Gold. Power. Protest
Power in the Age of Social Media
Bosses’ right to snoop on staff emails is an invasion of privacy and ignores the way we work
Digital Labor and Imperialism
Expanding tweets from 140 characters to 10,000? Not nearly radical enough
Georg Lukács as a communications scholar: cultural and digital labour in the context of Lukács’ Ontology of Social Being
The Trade Union Bill and Social Media
Securing the Future of our Cities
GIS, Big Data and lessons from the 19th Century
Baidu, Weibo and Renren: the global political economy of social media in China
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