George Musgrave on Dreamer’s Disease

An Interview by George Musgrave, published by Dreamer's Disease

This week, George Musgrave was a guest on Dreamer’s Disease, a podcast hosted by Alex Manzi. The podcast looks into the stories of inspirational guests; finding out what they do, why they do it and their motivations behind what they do, with each episode providing fresh knowledge and wisdom from people who are doing the things they love.

George, who was discussing ‘The Art Of The Hustle‘, said this of his appearance “I’ve been recommending it to my entrepreneurship students this academic year. It’s had some brilliant guests already so to be included to discuss my research, lecturing, music and my entrepreneurship journey is great” – you can listen to the whole interview on iTunes.






George Musgrave


Dr. George Musgrave studies the psychological experiences and working conditions of creative careers, with a current focus on mental health and wellbeing in the music industry. He co-led a major research project entitled 'Can Music Make You Sick?' alongside Sally Anne Gross on mental health and the music industry exploring the links between anxiety/depression and precarious work, the book of which was an Amazon Number 1 Best Seller in the Sociology of Work. He has also done work on ethical decision-making by music managers and wellbeing in the gig economy.


21 July 2017
Published By
Dreamer's Disease
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