Effective Climate Communication: Turning Eco-Anxiety into Eco-Action

Book by Anastasia Denisova, published by Springer Nature

Book Synopsis

While many books have been written about climate change, this book goes to the very heart of what makes humans care about stories enough to act. In a direct and sympathetic approach, Denisova tackles problems of greenwashing, news narratives, colonial framings and more. Taking climate anxiety as a starting point, the author positions herself with empathy and asks the question: ‘what slows down citizen action?’ This fresh perspective acknowledges the pressing challenge of public disengagement and the anxiety people feel when faced with increasingly bleak headlines as the climate crisis intensifies. There is a surprising challenge to apocalyptic storytelling and a hero’s narrative, which Denisova argues are counter-productive, while solutions are provided for media storytellers. This book is essential reading for anyone seeking to ease climate-related anxiety and foster a deeper sense of empowerment in their audience.

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Anastasia Denisova


Anastasia Denisova is a Lecturer in Social Media at CAMRI, University of Westminster. Before starting her academic career, she worked as a journalist in Russia for over a decade in the capacity of television news editor and reporter for NTV Broadcasting company, editor at Aeroflot Inflight magazine, and a freelance reporter and columnist for the major magazines, including GEO, Conde Nast Traveler, Vogue, Marie Claire and many others. Her work has received the industry and community recognition, including the French government’s award for the best publication on France in Russian in 2014 (the feature for GEO Russia).


19 February 2025
Published By
Springer Nature
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