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Eduardo M. Molina Campano

Visiting Researcher (June - Sept 2022)
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Dr. Eduardo M. Molina Campano is a PHD in Political Philosophy with a Master’s degree in both Political Science and International Relations. With a degree in History, he is Professor of Contemporary History at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain. He has served as Professor of International Relations at the Universidad de los Andes in Venezuela during 2016 and 2017. He was a political consultant to the Parliament and the Government of Mérida, Venezuela. He is a member of the Laboratory of Ideas and Political Practices (LIPPO) of the UPO-Seville. He has directed the Online Debate Seminars “Politics and Law in post-Covid Spain” and “Social Movements yesterday and today”. His publications include “The Political Philosophy of Toni Negri (2018)”; “Rethinking the Concepts of Subsumption, Surplus Value and the Labour of Audience in Digital Capitalism (2018)”; “The Concept of Hegemony in International Relations (2019)”; “Populism, International Relations and Human Rights: From Ernesto Laclau to the Ultra-Right Emergence (2021)”; “Rethinking International Relations Theories in the Wake of the US Failure in Afghanistan (2021)”; and “Fascism as the Destruction of the Rights of “Man” and “Citizen”. A historical analysis from the perspective of eclectic materialism. The cases of Italy and Germany”. His main lines of research are: History of contemporary political and social movements and thought; Critical theories of international relations; and Political economy of digital capitalism. Within this line, he is a researcher of the FEDER Project: Impact of the Internet of Things on European citizenship directed by Rafael Rodríguez Prieto. In the framework of this project, his stay at CAMRI, under the tutelage of Maria Michalis and Pieter Verdegem, will focus on research on the political economy of the internet of things and the mechanisms of exploitation of platform labour.