Anastasia Kavada presents at the Democracy, the Digital and the Public Sphere Workshop, hosted by The Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster. The workshop sought to encourage a diverse conversation on the impact of an increasingly digitally mediated public sphere on contemporary democracy. Asking, to what extent is the digital undermining or enhancing democratic expectations? And what interventions could improve the democratic character of the public sphere?
Anastasia Kavada is a Reader in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Westminster. She is Co-Leader of the Arts, Communication and Culture Research Community (ACC), and Co-leader of the MA in Media, Campaigning and Social Change. Her research focuses on the links between online tools and decentralized organising practices, democratic decision-making, and the development of solidarity among participants in collective action. Her work has appeared in a variety of edited books and academic journals, including Media, Culture & Society and Information, Communication & Society. She is currently working on a monograph with the provisional title ‘Experiments in Democracy: Digital Communication and Social Movements’.