Pablo Nabarrete Bastos
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Visiting Academic (March – September 2024)
Pablo Nabarrete Bastos is a visiting researcher at the University of Westminster, with a scholarship from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). He is working on the project: “Hegemony, technology and communication: Disputes for space and engagement in a context of crisis, mediatization and platformisation”.
Pablo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Communication and the Programme in Media and Everyday Life (PPGMC-UFF) of the Federal Fluminense University in Brazil (Universidade Federal Fluminense). He was a postdoctoral researcher in Cultural Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Pablo is the pedagogical coordinator of the Community Communication and Social Advertising Research Laboratory (LACCOPS), and was the Coordinator of the Working Group “Communications for Citizenship” at Intercom (Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communication Studies) from 2019 to 2021.
He is author of the book ”Marcha Dialética do MST: Formação e comunicação política entre campo e cidade (“MST Dialectic March: Formation and political communication between countryside and city”, finalist for the 2022 Prêmio Jabuti (Jabuti Award). He is funded by the “Young Scientist Researcher of Our State” (JCNE-FAPERJ) scholarship of the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).
His research interests include: hegemony, counter-hegemony, popular hegemony, communication and Marxism, critical theory, Latin America, engagement, platformisation, social movements and popular communication.
Articles by Dr. Pablo Nabarrete Bastos in English