Dr Samuel Neves successfully defends his PhD

21 July 2024

We are pleased to announce that Dr Samuel Neves successfully defended his VIVA on Monday, June 17th. His thesis, titled A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Self-Disclosure in Hybrid Pastoral Care identifies and critiques the nuanced ways that pastoral care is implemented through the integration of digital media communication and face-to-face provision. The key original finding supports a blended or hybrid approach to facilitate self-disclosure.

The thesis was examined by External Examiner Johanna Sumiala, Professor of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland and Internal Examiner Rev’d Dr Matthew Linfoot.

Prof Sumiala praised Neves for his “thorough and transparent engagement with his interview material and his scholarly contribution to the interdisciplinary study field of digital religion.”

After the VIVA, Dr Neves said: ‘I am so grateful to the University of Westminster and especially my advisor, Prof Graham Meikle, for the support and guidance. I’m also very thankful to my wife Amy, my family, and my coworkers for their support over the last 5 years”.

Prof Graham Meikle, Director of Studies, said: “It was a huge pleasure to support Sam throughout his PhD project, and I’m delighted to see him complete it and earn his doctorate. His energy and enthusiasm never dropped over the years, and I’ve always enjoyed seeing his ideas take shape. I look forward to seeing him publish this work in the near future”.

We wish Sam continued success in his future endeavors!

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