• Newspaper

Local news as political institution and the repercussions of ‘news deserts’: A qualitative study of seven UK local areas

A Research Paper by Steven Barnett and Steven Barclay, published by Journalism

Steven Barnett publishes a study on UK “news deserts” in Journalism with former CAMRI doctoral researcher Steven Barclay, Martin Moore (King’s College London), and Judith Townend (University of Sussex).  The article is open-access, and the full text can be downloaded here.

Abstract: A transformation in the political economy of local news provision has led to claims that an increasing number of local areas have become ‘news deserts’ – areas that are poorly served or not served at all by professional and dedicated news services (Abernathy, 2022). Such developments have raised widespread concerns about the future health of local democracy. One aspect of local news’ declining capacity that has received little attention to date is the impact on its role as political institution. This paper first examines the impact of changes on those most closely affected by the reduction or closure of UK local news media outlets – the consumers and sources of local news. Through empirical research in 2021-22, the authors explore Cook’s theory of the news media as political institution (2005), by examining local citizens’ experience of – and attitudes towards – their local news outlets, and the extent to which they believe these continue to perform an institutional role. Second, the paper seeks to explore the extent to which other information services – most notably social media and online communities – substitute for the institutional roles of local news outlets. The paper argues that the diminishing role of local news media as political institution has significant political and democratic implications which are not being addressed by policymakers, who are more concerned with the economic interests of corporate media owners than the broader democratic and societal interests of local communities.

Photo by Himanshu Pandey on Unsplash

Steven Barnett


Steven Barnett is Professor of Communications and an established writer and broadcaster who has been involved in policy analysis at the highest levels, both nationally and internationally, for the last 35 years. He has advised government ministers in the UK, has given evidence or served as an adviser on several parliamentary committees, has been called to give evidence to the European Parliament, and has been invited as keynote speaker at numerous national and international conferences.


10 September 2024
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CAMRI | Local news as political institution and the repercussions of ‘news deserts’: A qualitative study of seven UK local areas - CAMRI
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