‘If You Want To Be Somewhere, You’ve Got To Occupy It’ says Sally Gross on NPR

1 March 2018
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The lack of women engineers and producers in music is not news. Historically, the recording studio has rarely seen women outside of the reception area or, in the case of a performance venue, in the box office, writes Lily Moayeri, in the opening of her interview with Sally Gross for NPR. In the peice, which focuses on how women are changing the face of engineering and producing Sally says that “most women’s experience of walking into studios is not to be in a female environment.” She goes on to say that “the starting point of writing songs and recording them is such an important space, one that we can very much see the absence of women. The idea was to subvert that, to change the environment of the studio by making sure everyone teaching and everyone participating in the studio was female. If you want to be somewhere, you’ve got to occupy it.”

Read the full article on NPR.


Photo: Dani Spragg is the in-house engineer at Hoxa HQ studio complex in London. Jimmy Hogarth

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