Sally-Anne Gross talks to Jason Solomons about Can Music Make you Sick

1 October 2020
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Following the launch of Can Music Make You Sick, by Sally-Anne Gross and George Musgrave, Gross spoke with Jason Solomons on BBC Radio London about the book, mental health, and the music industry. During the interview Gross discusses the research carried out by herself and Musgrave, highlighting the way in which the all consuming nature of working in the music industry can lead to significant health issues. Gross also spoke about how these issues can be especially pronounced for women in the industry who are also under pressure to not only be musically excellent, but also to fit an image of femininity or sexual attractiveness. During the interview, that starts from 1:07:37 on catchup, Gross also spoke about the processes of undertaking the research and the difficulties of making mental health a topic of open discussion in the face of much cynicism.

The full interview can be heard on BBC Sounds.

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