Doug Specht discusses responsible and ethical use of location data for the RGS Ask a Geographer Podcast

8 December 2021
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Doug Specht has recently spoken to the Royal Geographical Society’s Ask the Geographer podcast about the responsible and ethical use of location data. In the wide ranging discussion on ethics Specht discussed why the Society has joined the Locus Charter, and how these kinds of frameworks can help support better use of data. Specht also warned though that these kinds of voluntary charters can only go so far, and while they offer a good starting point, there is more work to be done in this area.

Ask the Geographer is the Royal Geographical Society’s award-winning podcast, and aims to bring the latest in geographical research to classrooms from a host of experts. To supplement their free-to-listen podcasts, they also have accompanying learning activities, glossaries of key terms, and further reading available for School Members.

You can listen to this episode below, or on the RGS website.

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