Ed Bracho-Polanco speaks to News Decoder about voter turnout.

21 July 2024

Ed Bracho-Polanco recently spoke to News Decoder about the trend of low voter turnout among young people and explored ways to engage them in the democratic process. The article highlights the various barriers that young voters face, such as a lack of political education, disillusionment with the political system, and logistical obstacles like registration difficulties. The article emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues to ensure that young people feel motivated and empowered to participate in elections. It also suggests practical solutions, including better civic education, making voting more accessible, and creating policies that resonate with the younger generation’s interests and concerns.

Bracho-Polanco contributed to the article by providing insights into the specific challenges and perspectives of young voters. His main points focus on the need for political systems to be more inclusive and responsive to the needs of young people. He argues that the current political landscape often overlooks the priorities of the youth, leading to their disengagement. Bracho-Polanco advocates for reforms that would make the political process more transparent and accessible, such as simplifying voter registration and leveraging technology to reach young voters. He also stresses the importance of involving young people in policy-making processes to ensure that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

Read the full article on the News Decoder website.


Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

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