Congratulations to our newest CAMRI PhD graduate: Huanyu Huang

17 September 2024

We are pleased to announce that Dr Huanyu Huang was awarded a PhD on the 24th of July 2024. Her thesis, titled Speak in Women’s Way: Online Feminist Movements and Social Media Impact of #MeToo China 2018, was examined by Prof Scott Wright (University of Bournemouth) and Dr Xin XIn, (University of Westminster).

Reflecting on the achievement, Dr Huanyu Huang stated: “During my four and a half years of doctoral study, I have faced numerous challenges but also experienced immense joy and a profound sense of accomplishment. I am deeply grateful for the support I received from the University of Westminster, particularly from my Director of Studies, Prof Roza Tsagarousianou and the outstanding leadership of the CAMRI PhD programme. My work is dedicated to all people who speak out for a better world”.

Dr Huanyu Huang’s examiners praised her work. Prof Wright (External Examiners) remarked: “This is an excellent PhD thesis – strong both empirically and theoretically – making a real contribution to the field”. Dr Xin Xin added: “Theoretically and methodologically grounded, this thesis makes original and valuable contributions to our knowledge about China’s 2018 #MeToo movement, which unfolded online on popular social media platforms”.

We congratulate Huanyu and wish her continued success in all her future endeavours!

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