Rev’d Dr Matthew Linfoot named top 100 LGBTQ Cambridge University alumni

“From Turing to Toksvig, from Forster to Fry, the History Makers and the Q100 recognise the achievements of a wide spectrum of Cambridge University LGBT+ alumni, friends and allies.”

— Cambridge University LGBT+ Alumni Association

Earlier this month, the Cambridge University LGBT+ Alumni Association published its inaugural Q100 — the top 100 list of LGBTQ+ and ally Cambridge University alumni. Among the ranks of Sir Ian McKellen, Tilda Swinton, and Steven Fry is Westminster’s Rev’d Dr Matthew Linfoot, principal lecturer in Radio, Audio & Podcasting.

Linfoot, a former BBC radio presenter, has been featured for his contributions to LGBT+ progress in the UK and beyond: “Since 2003, Matthew has been Principal Lecturer at the University of Westminster where he has continued to research LGBT+ representation in media, most recently with an AHRC-funded public engagement project Hearing Our Stories, exploring the BBC archives. Matthew also conducts interviews for the BBC Oral History project with LGBT+ staff, past and present.”

Read Linfoot’s full profile here and learn more about the Q100 here.

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