Aasiya Lodhi hosts “Reading the Crisis” event series for Stuart Hall Foundation

16 December 2024


In Spring 2024, Senior Lecturer Aasiya Lodhi chaired/hosted a series of online public education events this year for the Stuart Hall Foundation, where she is a Trustee. Reading the Crisis was an online conversation series drawing on Stuart Hall’s work to ask what tools and strategies we need in this moment. Each conversation springboarded off one of Hall’s essays to consider present-day political formations.

Designed as an online teach-in space, the series invited the public to join the following thinkers in dialogue and discussion (with Aasiya as Chair):

1. Ilan Pappé & Priyamvada Gopal on ‘The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power’ (1992)

Recording: https://www.stuarthallfoundation.org/resource/reading-the-crisis-the-west-and-the-rest-with-ilan-pappe-and-priyamvada-gopal/ 

2. Aditya Chakrabortty & Jeremy Gilbert on ‘The Neoliberal Revolution’ (2011)

Recording: https://www.stuarthallfoundation.org/resource/reading-the-crisis-the-neoliberal-revolution-with-aditya-chakrabortty-and-jeremy-gilbert/

3. Gail Lewis & Roderick Ferguson on ‘Cultural Identity and Diaspora’ (1990)

Recording: https://www.stuarthallfoundation.org/resource/reading-the-crisis-cultural-identity-and-diaspora-with-gail-lewis-and-roderick-ferguson/

Reading the Crisis was part of the Stuart Hall Foundation’s 2024 Catastrophe and Emergence programme. More details here: https://www.stuarthallfoundation.org/projects/catastrophe-and-emergence/

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