Naomi Sakr introduces research at Media Diversity Research Centre launch event

Naomi Sakr introduced a pilot piece of media diversity research at a Media Diversity Institute (MDI) event in Belgrade on December 10. The event, taking place on International Human Rights Day, had a dual purpose: celebrating ten years since the founding of the MDI Western Balkans office in 2014 and, building on MDI’s 25 years of experience in promoting inclusive and accurate media representation, launching the Media Diversity Research Centre.
The Centre, which will equip journalists and address policy makers through research at the intersection of diversity, inclusion, and public interest journalism, was launched with a number of research projects already at various stages of development. One of these, led by Naomi Sakr, was a pilot study designed to test out indicators of whether and how diversity and inclusion are achieved in specific countries through media workforce recruitment, approaches to representation and media regulation.
MDI plans to develop and expand the project in 2025.
See the study and learn more about the Media Diversity Research Centre here:

Images provided by Naomi Sakr.