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Why is El Salvador turning away from Bitcoin?

An Opinion Piece by Doug Specht, published by Geographical

El Salvador made headlines in 2021 when it became the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. This bold move, spearheaded by President Nayib Bukele, was seen as a groundbreaking experiment in cryptocurrency adoption at a national level. However, recent developments suggest that the Central American nation is now taking a more cautious approach to its cryptocurrency policies.

When El Salvador first embraced Bitcoin, President Bukele presented it as a solution to several economic challenges. El Salvador was seeking to reduce dependency on the US dollar, while also facilitating easier remittances from Salvadorans abroad. Bukele also saw Bitcoin as a way to boost the country’s GDP through cryptocurrency investments.

From a more personal perspective, Bukele, who is known for his tech-savvy image and social media presence, saw this move as a way to position El Salvador at the forefront of financial innovation.

However, in February 2025, El Salvador began dialling back its ambitious Bitcoin policies, implementing significant changes to its cryptocurrency law. Shopkeepers are no longer obliged to accept Bitcoin alongside the US dollar; instead, businesses can now choose whether to embrace digital coins or stick to traditional currency. This voluntary approach marks a stark departure from the government’s initial enthusiasm for widespread Bitcoin adoption.


Read full article on Geographical.

Photo by Traxer on Unsplash

Doug Specht


Dr Doug Specht is a cultural geographer and educationalist. His research explores themes related to environmental justice, human rights, and access to education, with a focus on the production and codification of knowledge though cartographic artefacts and in educational settings. In recognition of his work, he has been appointed as a Chartered Geographer and Chartered Teacher. In addition, he has been awarded Advanced Teacher Status, alongside being a Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE. Dr. Specht has authored numerous articles and books, including Mapping Crisis, the Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technology and Society, the Media and Communications Student Study Guide and Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene. He writes regularly on ethics, environmental and human rights, education, and mapping practices in such publications as WonkHE, The Conversation, Geographical, and for Times Higher Education. Dr Specht is a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Geography, Westminster papers in Communication and Culture, and Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman. He is Chair of the Environmental Network for Central America.


23 February 2025
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