

Foreign Office Award: Pioneering South Asian Journalism Project

Professor Jean Seaton and Rosie Thomas have just won a prestigious contract from the Foreign Office to extend their pioneering South Asian Journalism Project. The programme – which is the […]

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Small acts of creativity can change the world

At a recent TEDx Talk, Professor David Gauntlett from Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design talked about how small acts of creativity by everyday people are not trivial […]


Two Westminster academics recognised as media studies key thinkers in Department of Education list

The University of Westminster is the only institution to be home to two scholars recognised in the UK Government’s recently unveiled core content for A and AS Level Media […]


Westminster academic to give talk at the Royal Society of Medicine

Diana Garrisi, who is a visiting lecturer at the Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design, will give a talk at Royal Society of Medicine on 1 June. The […]

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