BBC Local Radio 50th Anniversary Symposium
309 Regent St
Marylebone, London W1B 2UW

Join us for a one-day symposium to mark the 50th Anniversary of the launch of BBC Local Radio, presented by the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) at the University of Westminster with support from the Radio Studies Network /MECCSA.
In 1967, an important milestone in radio history was laid down. The BBC, after much deliberation and research, began to build a network of local radio stations across England. Notwithstanding its ambivalent relationship with the ‘nations and regions’ service, the BBC has, through its local broadcasting provision, made a profound contribution to the radio ecology of the UK. Indeed, BBC Local Radio continues to be a significant feature of the contemporary media landscape in serving local audiences in the 21st century.
The symposium includes panel discussions and papers, covering a range of subjects including:
- News provision and journalism on local radio
- Ethnic minority and specialist programmes
- Sports coverage
- The relationship between BBC, commercial local radio and community radio
- Local Radio and the Nations
- Interacting with audiences.
There’s also a panel chaired by Trevor Dann, discussing the legacy of local radio from the perspective of those who have worked on it, including the former Head of Local Radio Training Robert McLeish.
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