Letycia Gomes Nascimento
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Letycia Gomes Nascimento is a Ph.D. visiting researcher at the University of Westminster, with a scholarship from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes – Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement) from the Ministry of Education of Brazil. She is working on her doctoral thesis “Platformised Intellectual: discursive practices, political praxis and sharing on social media”.
Letycia Nascimento is a journalist from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), a master’s and Ph.D. Candidate in Media and Everyday Life at the Fluminense Federal University (Brazil). She researches decoloniality, intellectuality and digital influence in favor of the ecosocialist revolution. She is a young black Latin American woman from the suburb of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Letycia is the Author of the book “Etnocomunicação Indígena como Prática de Liberdade Decolonialista e Ancestral” (“Indigenous ethno communication as a practice of decolonial and ancestral freedom”), from Appris publishing house (Brazil).