Alessandro D’Arma and Maria Michalis participate in the RIPE@2024 conference

7 August 2024
Alessandro D’Arma and Maria Michalis participated in the RIPE@2024 conference “Public Service Media for Innovation and Sustainability” where they presented their paper “Public Service Media (PSM) for Environmental Sustainability: A Study of 4 PSM organisations in the UK” examining how the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 contribute to environmental sustainability (focusing on relevant discourses, strategies and initiatives) against an increasingly politically, financially, and commercially challenging context that puts the sustainability of the PSM at risk.
Maria also participated in the plenary roundtable “Managing the Interdependence of Innovation & Sustainability in PSM” where she spoke about understandings of ‘innovation’ and ‘sustainability’ and the respective role of PSM.
Photo by Julian Dik on Unsplash
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