Maria Michalis speaks at the 2022 IAMCR Pre conference “Digital Governance and Transcultural Communication”

7 September 2022


Maria Michalis was an invited speaker at the 2022 IAMCR Pre conference “Digital Governance and Transcultural Communication.” Organized by the School of Journalism and Communication of Beijing Normal University and the Public Service Media Policies Working Group of IAMCR, the pre-conference invited 17 international scholars to explore policy and governance strategies emerging from the development and use of digital communications technologies and their impacts on transcultural communications, with a focus on the themes of neo-globalization, digitalisation, and platformisation.


In her presentation, Maria argued that the wider factors that make the future of public service media challenging (notably increasing concentration, commercialisation and privatisation of communicative spaces) are the exact same reasons that make the case for PSM imperative. She noted that streaming platforms such as video-on-demand are a core aspect of public service media digital strategies, and discussed how and whether the VoD services of public service media might evolve distinctively in terms of content offers, terms of access, and so-called public service algorithms. In closing, she emphasised that the future of public service media cannot be treated in isolation as it is linked to the broader issue of governance of online platforms.


The pre-conference was held on July 22, 2022. The summary and recording are now available:


Summary of pre-conference:


Recording of panel:


Image: Wikipedia, Nick Challoner


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