Congratulations to our newest CAMRI PhD graduate: Colin Barrow

29 June 2023

We are delighted to announce that Dr Colin Barrow  successfully defended his VIVA on Friday 23rd June. His thesis, titled A comparative study of how political journalists in four European countries reported on the coronavirus pandemic, was examined by External Examiner Ivor Gaber, Professor of Political Journalism at University of Sussex and Internal Examiner Dr Ed Bracho-Polanco.

Following the VIVA, Colin stated: “Returning to university fifty years after my first degree was a challenge, but in a good way. I learned to write better, to respect the research process and always to support my arguments with evidence. My supervisors were amazingly helpful throughout”.

Prof Steven Barnett, Colin’s Director of Studies, remarked: “Colin’s research was a highly original comparative study of approaches to political journalism in four European countries during the Covid pandemic. He used the uniquely global nature of a pandemic to study the communications nexus between governments, medical practitioners, political journalists and citizens, investigating issues such as trust in sources, gatekeeping, journalism values and private vs public service media. It was a very valuable and original contribution to scholarly work on comparative media and political communication”.

We wish Colin continued success in his future endeavours!

Images: Colin Barrow, Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

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