Anna Feigenbaum (Bournemouth University): Tear Gas and ‘Other Media’

17 March 2016 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Universtiy of Westminster (RS UG04)
Anna Feigenbaum (Bournemouth University): Tear Gas and 'Other Media' @ Universtiy of Westminster (RS UG04)

Sites of protest and political contention are often shaped by ‘other media’. In her talk, Anna Feigenbaum look beyond taken-for-granted media devices and practices and returns to the foundational roots of Communication Theory’s ‘the medium and the message’.

In addition to smartphones, Facebook pages, political posters and live-streaming laptops, communication involves all kinds of other technologies. Such “other media” objects include the fences, walls, and barricades, that become sites of and for communication. This ‘other media’ also includes ‘container technologies’ like shoeboxes or sound grenades, which function as storage devices, as well as re-crafted objects that become transformed through practices of disobedient design.

All seminars are free. To understand how many attendees we can expect, we kindly ask you to register.


Dr Anna Feigenbaum is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Storytelling at Bournemouth University. Her work focuses on communication and social justice. She is co-author of Protest Camps (Zed 2013). Her current book project on the history of tear gas in policing will be published by Verso in 2016. Her research can be found in a variety of academic journals as well as in The Guardian, The Atlantic, Al Jazeera America, The Financial Times, Vice and Waging Nonviolence, among other outlets. Anna also runs community workshops on data storytelling and digital communications skills and provides consultancy to NGOs and cultural organisations, including Amnesty International and the Victoria & Albert Museum.

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