Charlotte Moore to deliver the Steve Hewlett Memorial Lecture
4-12 Little Titchfield St
Fitzrovia, London W1W 7UW

The first ‘Hewlett’ in 2017 was delivered by Today presenter, Nick Robinson and raised issues about mainstream and social media. We are delighted that BBC Director of Content Charlotte Moore, has accepted our invitation to deliver this year’s lecture.
The annual Steve Hewlett Memorial Lecture and a scholarship fund for students of journalism from lower income backgrounds were established by The Media Society and The Royal Television Society in memory of Steve who died in February 2017. This year two scholarships will be awarded.
This year’s lecture, will take place on Thursday 11 October 2018 at the University of Westminster.
Charlotte Moore says:
“As we navigate our way through the seismic changes and challenges taking place in our industry, I often wish could call on Steve for advice or to get his view on the latest takeover deal or Ofcom quota. Steve was never scared to ask difficult questions of the BBC and yet he was also our greatest champion and supporter. He believed passionately in British creativity and risk taking and in public service television. It’s an honour to be asked to give a lecture in his name.”
Refreshments will be provided following the lecture.
The RTS and Media Society would like to thank the University of Westminster for making the venue available.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday 11 October 2018
Time: 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Venue: The University of Westminster, 4-12 Little Titchfield Street, London W1W 7BY
Booking details
All tickets are £10.00 (no concessions)
Tickets are non-refundable and must be booked in advance.
All net profits will go to the Steve Hewlett Bursary Fund.
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