Dangerous ‘Others’: The Politics of Securitisation of Europe’s Muslims
309 Regent St
Marylebone, London W1B 2HT

Roza Tsagarousianou (UoW) – Dangerous ‘Others’: The Politics of Securitisation of Europe’s Muslims
In her short talk, Roza Tsagarousianou will analyse the social construction of Europe’s Muslim populations and its impact as a ‘threat’ and a factor of societal insecurity. Examining the interplay of media discourse, public debate, policy and everyday life throughout Europe, she will discuss the materiality of such securitization discourses and practices and the concrete effect these have on the ongoing transformation of our societies.
Drawing on a critical engagement with debates on securitization and on governmentality, she will argue that the emphasis on the Muslim threat contributes to the normalization of a permanent state of exception. In this state, anticipation rules over perpetration, and classification is sufficient for de-subjectification leading to the deprivation of legal protections. European Muslims become interminably spectral, always watched and under scrutiny in a Europe defined by their very exclusion.
Roza Tsagarousianou is Reader in Media and Communication and member of the CAMRI research centre, the Homelands research group and the Westminster University Migration Network. She has been the Director of the CAMRI Doctoral programme and is currently leading the MA in Diversity and the Media, offered in collaboration with the Media Diversity Institute.
Among many other writings, her monographs include Diasporic Cultures and Globalization (Shaker 2007) and Islam in Europe: Public Spaces and Civic Networks (Palgrave 2013). Her forthcoming monograph will be The Securitisation of Islam in Europe: Public debate, Policy, Identity and Citizenship (Palgrave 2018). She is also working on a co-edited anthology on Diasporas, Media and Culture (Wiley Blackwell 2018).
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