Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Politics, Labour and Capitalism in the Age of Big Data – Book Launch
St Andrews Chambers
32-38 Wells St, Fitzrovia, London W1T 3UW

Are optimists or pessimist correct about the digital future?
Will we have new forms of community, sensing, distributed democracy, digital activism and responsive governance? Or networked exploitation, the surveillance society, technological domination and dehumanization? What is happening with Big Data capitalism in an age of unprecedented autonomous digital activity and how are current forms of technology and economic activity shaping notions of subjectivity and labour?
What are the best academic tools, approaches and theories that can assist in understanding the ‘digital’ of today and tomorrow?
Editors and contributors to a new open access book Digital Objects, Digital Subjects exploring all these controversial issues will discuss these and others arising at an informal roundtable with audience discussion. Confirmed participants include: David Chandler, Christian Fuchs, Joanna Boehnert, Robert Cowley, Paolo Gerbaudo, Anastasia Kavada. All welcome. Drinks and nibbles.
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data will be published open access by the University of Westminster Press on the 30 January. Print copies to be available for purchase at the event.
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