Digital Sociology or How to Have a Problem with Bias? – Noortje Marres
309 Regent St
Marylebone, London W1B 2HT

Digital Sociology has reinvented social research, and with this re-invention came new problems such as bias. Noortje Marres’s talk will discusses the distinctive ways in which problems of bias arise in online environments, and introduce experimental tactics of the digital sociology to open up for engaging with them. Her talk will distinguish between different types of bias that arise in digital practices to develop a critical argument: source bias continues to be privileged at the expense of the others in our not-quite digital culture.
Noortje Marres is Associate Professor in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) at the University of Warwick (UK). She studied sociology and philosophy of science and technology at the University of Amsterdam, and conducted her doctoral research at that same university and MinesTech in Paris. Her early work drew on actor-network theory and Pragmatism to develop the concept of issue publics, and she has played a leading role in developments in digital methods, in particular issue mapping. Her first book, Material Participation: Technology, the Environment and Everyday Publics (Palgrave) came out in paperback in 2015 and her second book, Digital Sociology, has just been published with Polity. Her website is
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