The concept of engagement in communication research: Theoretical contributions and struggles from Latin America

15 November 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
University of Westminster (Copland, 1.109)
115 New Cavendish St
London W1W 6UW
Alessandro D’Arma
The concept of engagement in communication research: Theoretical contributions and struggles from Latin America @ University of Westminster (Copland, 1.109) | England | United Kingdom

Pablo Nabarrate Bastos, Associate Professor, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil 

Introduced by Dr Ed Bracho Polanco


Organised in collaboration with:


Open to all Westminster students and staff

In this talk, Dr Bastos discusses the concept of engagement in communication research. The lecture is organised in three parts. First, Dr Bastos presents results from a research project on the meanings of engagement in communication studies. For this project, the research team (Bastos, Grohmann and Oliveira, 2021) analysed 502 articles, published between 2016 and 2020, and collected from the Web of Science platform. In the second part, Dr Bastos highlights some of theoretical foundations that contribute to a critical and dialectical understanding of engagement as a theoretical category. In the third, and final part, he presents results of empirical research that seeks to understand the processes of engagement and struggles for “the common” in Latin America. Such processes are analysed through the discourse of popular movement organizations such as Via Campesina and ALBA Movements.

Pablo Nabarrete Bastos is a Professor at the Department of Social Communication of the Federal Fluminense University in Brazil (Universidade Federal Fluminense). He is the Head of the Postgraduate Program in Media and Everyday Life (PPGMC-UFF) and holds a PhD from the University of São Paulo. He was also a postdoctoral researcher in Cultural Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He is the pedagogical coordinator of the Community Communication and Social Advertising Research Laboratory (LACCOPS). And was the Coordinator of the Working Group “Communications for Citizenship” at Intercom (Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communication Studies) (Period 2019-2021). Author of the book ” Marcha Dialética do MST: Formação e comunicação política entre campo e cidade (MST Dialetic March: Formation and political communication between countryside and city”, finalist for the 2022 Prêmio Jabuti (Jabuti Prize). He was also awarded the grant “Young Scientist Researcher of Our State FAPERJ” (JCNE – FAPERJ, 2021-2024). His research interests include: hegemony, counter-hegemony, popular hegemony, communication and Marxism, critical theory, Latin America, engagement, platformisation, social movements and popular communication.

For any enquiries, please contact Alessandro D’Arma on



Photo by Leon Overweel on Unsplash

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