When scale matters: Streaming giants and the platform economy
115 New Cavendish St
London W1W 6UW

This event is part of the CAMRI Seminar series. The current event is an in person/on campus event only.
Across all business models (AVoD, FAST, SVoD), the streaming industry is dominated by a handful of platforms operating at a global scale. This talk analyses how scale is achieved, why it is a competitive advantage, and what is the impact of the platform economy on local broadcasters and streamers. It argues that transnational network effects, localisation and value chain coordination all play a key role. This talk is based on my book Television in the Streaming Era: The Global Shift, Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Jean K. Chalaby was born in Geneva and studied at the University of Lausanne before undertaking his PhD at the London School of Economics. He joined the Department of Sociology at City, University of London, in 2000, where he is currently Professor of International Communication. He was Head of Sociology twice, and he is the author of several books and multiple articles published in world-leading journals of media and communication.
Organised by the CAMRI Policy and Political Economy Research Theme.