Research Themes
Communication, Technology and Society
Media, Culture and Social Change
Global Media
Policy and Political Economy
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Digital media and creativity
I contributed to the Misogyny In Music report – it’s sadly unsurprising that its recommendations have been rejected
Losing Work, Losing Purpose: Representations of Musicians’ Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19
Music and wellbeing vs. musicians’ wellbeing: examining the paradox of music-making positively impacting wellbeing, but musicians suffering from poor mental health
How Did Donald Trump Incite a Coup Attempt?
New Book: Can Music Make You Sick?
New Book – Diagramming the Social: Relational Method in Research
Digital learning and teaching: reflections on identity and efficacy
The World According to Dave Trott: An Interview
Brands may support Black Lives Matter, but advertising still needs to decolonise
Interrogating Democracy in the Digital Gaze
Reproduced, Reinterpreted, Lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts
Racism and Classism in Mexican Advertising
Youth radio is in interesting times.
Gaming–playing on social media: using the psychoanalytic concept of ‘playing’ to theorize user labour on Facebook
Call for Papers: Geography and Communications
George Musgrave on Dreamer’s Disease
David Gauntlett at the BFI Media Conference
The Orwell Foundation and UCL Festival of Culture present 1984 Live
Dr Daya Thussu interviewed at the the XVIII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
What are we missing? An empirical exploration in the structural biases of hashtag-based sampling on Twitter
When Media and Management Collide: An Interview with Lucy Küng, July 2016
Securing Video Analytics Data to Enhance Pay-TV Profitability
The Internet of Things: tracing a new field of enquiry
Building Real-World Platforms for Creativity
The most important thing is making meaningful connections
The Rotherhithe Shed – making is connecting in South London
New 7-minute Making Media Studies cut-down video
Creative Thinking In Seminars
TTIP and Lessons from Latin America
Advertising Tools and Techniques Appropriated to Construct the Global Brand Mr. Clean
CAMRI | Digital media and creativity Archives - CAMRI
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