The future of diversity regulation in the UK broadcast industry – models and ownership

4 February 2021
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A new research project by CAMRI Alumnus Peter Block, and sponsored by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity, examines the matter of diversity regulation in the UK broadcast industry and the responsibility of The Office of Communications (Ofcom).

The analysis substantiates a view across the UK television and radio industries that Ofcom has not been effective in delivering on its diversity remit. There is a need for Ofcom to engage in the diversity and inclusion agenda proactively and strategically with transparent reporting and engagement with the sector.  In addition, the regulatory function should go beyond Ofcom licence holders if it is going to address the many concerns voiced by stakeholders such as Professor David Olusoga and Sir Lenny Henry. In addition, the conclusion drawn from this research is that the industry devotes ‘significant resources to unproven strategies’ that in the ‘majority of cases little real measurement of the effectiveness of these initiatives’. The research findings and recommendations are captured in six models of diversity clustered under three themes; (A) Ofcom relinquishes the obligation, (B) Ofcom continues to manage the process or (C) Ofcom devolves the matter to an independent agency. This paper explains the rationale for arriving at these models.

The full report can be read here: –

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