Young Women Then and Now: Music and Subculture Revisited
University of Westminster Cavendish Campus
115 New Cavendish St, London W1W

Angela McRobbie (Goldsmiths, University of London)
This event is part of the CAMRI Seminar series. The current event is an in person/on campus event only.
In this lecture Angela McRobbie reflects on issues raised by her new book which re-prints her Birmingham CCCS essays of the 1970s and also includes 4 chapters of update on music, magazines, vintage fashion and youth culture.
Angela McRobbie is a Fellow of the British Academy and has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Glasgow University. Her research expertise is on the creative economy and the fashion industry with reference to the small-scale independent sector.
Angela is also a feminist social and cultural theorist looking at the gendered dynamics of contemporary neoliberal society. Angela’s research, spanning more than four decades, has been translated into many languages
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