
Anthony Mcnicholas speaks to iNews about EastEnders’ 35th anniversary

Eastenders has been on our screens for 35 years. First broadcast in 1985 the soap has long been covering important topics that informed the public, improved understanding of social […]

18 February 2020

Jean Seaton appears on BBC R4’s Orwell in Five Words

70 years on from George Orwell’s death, documentary-maker Phil Tinline takes five words that resonate through his work and tests out what light they can shed on our problems […]

18 February 2020

Prof. Jean Seaton interviewed by The Financial Times on Tory plans for BBC license Fee

The election win by the Conservative government under Boris Johnson will see credible threats against the BBC suggests an article in last week’s Financial Times. The article which points […]

18 February 2020
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Prof. Steven Barnett questions plans to decriminalize the non-payment of the BBC license fee

Prof. Steven Barnett spoke to Channel 4 news about reports that the new Conservative government is reviving  plans to decriminalise non-payment of the BBC licence fee. The item revealed that 130,000 […]

18 February 2020

New Report: Public service broadcasting in the age of video on demand inquiry

The Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee have published the finding of their enquiry on Public Service Broadcasting. The report, for which Prof. Steven Barnett acted as Specialist Advisor, […]

18 February 2020

Anastasia Denisova discusses how memes spread (and why we can’t stop them)

Anastasia Denisova recently appeared on BBC Ideas to discuss how social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are changing our societies and the way that we think about […]

18 February 2020

Christian Fuchs discusses Twitter on BBC Radio 4

A BBC Radio 4 programme, hosted by David Baker, and broadcast on the 18th December, asks how did Twitter, invented to allow friends to keep track of each other’s […]

18 February 2020

Jean Seaton interviewed for BBC’s ‘Being Gerry Adams’

Thirty years ago the British government took an almost unprecedented decision – to ban the voices of Sinn Fein and other groups in Northern Ireland associated with terrorism from […]

18 February 2020

Steven Barnett discusses what Cliff Richard versus the BBC means for press freedom

On Wednesday Sir Cliff Richard was awarded a minimum of £210,000 in damages after successfully suing the BBC for a serious breach of his privacy. The court ruling followed […]

18 February 2020

Why was there no news on 18th April 1930?

On 18 April 1930, the BBC’s news announcer had nothing to communicate. “There is no news,” was the script of the 20:45 news bulletin, before piano music was played […]

18 February 2020
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