Eastenders has been on our screens for 35 years. First broadcast in 1985 the soap has long been covering important topics that informed the public, improved understanding of social […]
70 years on from George Orwell’s death, documentary-maker Phil Tinline takes five words that resonate through his work and tests out what light they can shed on our problems […]
The election win by the Conservative government under Boris Johnson will see credible threats against the BBC suggests an article in last week’s Financial Times. The article which points […]
Prof. Steven Barnett spoke to Channel 4 news about reports that the new Conservative government is reviving plans to decriminalise non-payment of the BBC licence fee. The item revealed that 130,000 […]
The Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee have published the finding of their enquiry on Public Service Broadcasting. The report, for which Prof. Steven Barnett acted as Specialist Advisor, […]
Anastasia Denisova recently appeared on BBC Ideas to discuss how social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are changing our societies and the way that we think about […]
A BBC Radio 4 programme, hosted by David Baker, and broadcast on the 18th December, asks how did Twitter, invented to allow friends to keep track of each other’s […]
Thirty years ago the British government took an almost unprecedented decision – to ban the voices of Sinn Fein and other groups in Northern Ireland associated with terrorism from […]
On Wednesday Sir Cliff Richard was awarded a minimum of £210,000 in damages after successfully suing the BBC for a serious breach of his privacy. The court ruling followed […]
On 18 April 1930, the BBC’s news announcer had nothing to communicate. “There is no news,” was the script of the 20:45 news bulletin, before piano music was played […]