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Media, Culture and Social Change
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International media policy
Whither Public Service Media Governance: Looking Back, Looking Ahead
The Datafication of Migrant Bodies and the Enactment of Migrant Subjectivities: Biometric Data, Power and Resistance at the Borders of Europe
Public Service Media and the Internet: Two Decades in Review
Come off it, Ofcom
IAMCR and the Middle East and North Africa: Questions of Place, People, and Paradigms
Saudi Arabian Television: The Challenge of Connecting with Reality
Media Ownership in Africa in the Digital Age: Challenges, Continuity and Change
Decolonising Approaches to Users and Audiences in the Global South: Context, Theory and Method
Geopolitics of China’s Rising Media and Soft Power in Africa: Eating and Being Eaten
Looking Back, Looking Forward. Conversation with Authors of The Arab Uprisings: A decade of struggle
Looking back, looking forward: inheriting the revolutions of the ‘Arab Spring’
Why should we care about media policy? Critical directions in media policy research
Peace and conflict journalism: An African perspective
Ecological Civilisation Discourse in Xinhua’s African Newswires: Towards a Greener Agency?
Punitive laws are failing to curb misinformation in Africa. Time for a rethink
Black Women in Parliament and on Social Media: Link Visibility as an Intersectional and Solidarity-Building Tool
Misinformation Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Misinformation literacy, not punitive laws, needed to combat fake news
Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer
“Cross-editing”: Comparing News Output Through Journalists’ Re-working of Their Rivals’ Scripts
New Book: Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Egypt
Afrokology and the Right to Communicate in Africa
A Trajectory of Caudillo Press, Journalism, and the Authoritarian Dilemma in Venezuela
The Arab uprisings a decade on: Egypt and Tunisia
Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the internet: give us back control of our data
Advocating for Public Service Media: Scholarship and Praxis
The Ethics of the Digital Commons
Soft Power to Whom? A Critical Analysis of the Publicity Film “CPC (Communist Party of China) is With You Along the Way” in Relation to China’s Soft Power Project
The Online Advertising Tax
Nicaragua crisis: how democracy dies in the era of fake news
How do Public Service Broadcasters Make a Case for Themselves? An Analysis of BBC’s “Charter Manifestos”
Teaching vicarious trauma in the journalism classroom: An examination of educational provision in UK universities
Popularizing party journalism in China in the age of social media: The case of Xinhua News Agency
‘Countries in the Air’: Travel and Geomodernism in Louis MacNeice’s BBC Features
‘Smarter, Stronger, Kinder’: Interests at Stake in the Remaking of Iftah ya Simsim for Gulf Children
Unmaking the Arab/Muslim Child: Lived Experiences of Media Use in Two Migratory Settings
Will the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Be the “Smoking Gun” of Donald Trump’s Watergate?
Why There Are Certain Parallels Between Joachim C. Fest’s Hitler-Biography and Michael Wolff’s Trump-Book
Financialisation of news in China in the age of the Internet: the case of Xinhuanet
Call for Papers: Geography and Communications
How propaganda from the Russian Revolution brought about today’s ‘troll factories’
Without social media, many Zimbabweans could have died in the Mugabe crisis
How memes are being used to fight back against social media censorship in Russia
Democracy, protest and public sphere in Russia after the 2011–2012 anti-government protests: digital media at stake
Prof. Daya Thussu on the future role of Asia in digital media
L-Makhzan al-’Akbari: Resistance, Remembrance and Remediation in Morocco
People Don’t Want Politics, They Want ‘Covfefe’
The Leaked Facebook Content Guidelines Show One Thing: No Policy Can Ever Completely Monitor User Behaviour
(Mis)Representing Terrorism in Global Media
Dr Daya Thussu interviewed at the the XVIII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
Why we need “Robo Laws”
“Whose job is it to save history anyway?” – Jean Seaton
Small acts of journalism: Professionalism and Integrity in CCTV’s English-language news
“Is enlightenment just a European idea?” An interview with Daya Thussu.
Jean Seaton on KPFA discussing George Orwell’s 1984
Parody Microbloggers as Chroniclers and Commentators on Russian Political Reality
Soft power: looking beyond American hegemony
Welcome to dystopia – George Orwell experts on Donald Trump
Donald Trump: A Critical Theory-Perspective on Authoritarian Capitalism
How The Frankfurt School Helps Us To Understand Donald Trump’s Twitter Populism
BRICS: Building a NWICO 2.0?
Morocco: Massive Protests Against Neoliberalism, Privatization Follow Death of Fish Seller
Fishy Neoliberalism in Morocco
A Look at the Other Morocco: From Protests Against Austerity to Occupation of Western Sahara
How the internet turned the US election into a medieval carnival
New approach to Africa representation in the media needed, says Winston Mano
Tony Wright Discusses Democracy in Britain with Jean Seaton for Political Quarterly
Regulation and Social Media: Speed Bumps or the Code 2.0
@THEVIEWER: Analyzing the offline and online impact of a dedicated conversation manager in the newsroom of a public broadcaster
‘@THEVIEWER: Analyzing the offline and online impact of a dedicated conversation manager in the newsroom of a public broadcaster
Right-Wing Extremism 2.0: The Austrian Presidential Election on Social Media
Memes, not her health, could cost Hillary Clinton the US presidential race
The new Architecture of Communications
When the President Divorced His Wife and Married the Country Instead
Great firewall of China reinforced as foreign media banned from publishing online
Why new regulator could be a game-changing moment for journalism
Bosses’ right to snoop on staff emails is an invasion of privacy and ignores the way we work
Tests for Egyptian Journalists
Experiments in Euro-Med Collaboration in Children’s Screen Media
Mixed messages, partial pictures? Discourses under construction in CCTV’s Africa Live compared with the BBC
A BRICS Bank to Challenge the Bretton Woods System?
BRICS for Building a New World Order?
Is Leveson dead or merely sleeping?
New Book: Media Power and Plurality
Media Policy and Independent Journalism in Greece
Baidu, Weibo and Renren: the global political economy of social media in China
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