Research Themes
Communication, Technology and Society
Media, Culture and Social Change
Global Media
Policy and Political Economy
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Doctoral Programme
Policy Observatory
Media and social change
A statement on the ongoing genocide in Gaza
From Erasure to Restoration: Antisemitism and the Visual Reverberations of a Revolutionary Pedagogy
I contributed to the Misogyny In Music report – it’s sadly unsurprising that its recommendations have been rejected
How maps are used and abused in times of conflict
Participatory action research in critical data studies: Interrogating AI from a South–North approach
The Datafication of Migrant Bodies and the Enactment of Migrant Subjectivities: Biometric Data, Power and Resistance at the Borders of Europe
Media Activism, Artivism and the Fight Against Marginalisation in the Global South
Climate doomism is bad storytelling – hope is much more effective at triggering action
South-to-South dialogues between Brazilian and Kenyan artivists: decolonial and intersectional feminist perspectives
Orwell at the BBC: A Reflection
Time and mobility/immobility: the chronopolitics of mobility and the temporalities of suffering and hope in situations of encampment
Climate change: why tech companies must address emissions caused by streaming and scrolling
Women Working in the Music Business: An Alumni Study
South-to-South media activism and artivism to fight marginalisation in the Global South
Social media can support environmental movements – but not in the way you might think
Environmental movements and digital media
Frack-Off: Social Media Fights Against Fracking in Argentina
Looking back, looking forward: inheriting the revolutions of the ‘Arab Spring’
Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene
The Stepping into Visibility Model: reflecting on consequences of social media visibility – a Global South perspective
Apocalyptic films have lulled us into a false sense of security about climate change
Peace and conflict journalism: An African perspective
Out on Air
Black Women in Parliament and on Social Media: Link Visibility as an Intersectional and Solidarity-Building Tool
Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer
Progressive social movements: The collapse of the centre in liberal democracy
Policy Brief: Fashion Media and Sustainability
Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s
The way we use data is a life or death matter – from the refugee crisis to COVID-19
More than just a little flu
From Counterpublics to Contentious Publicness: Tracing the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Articulations of Popular Protest Through Social Media
The Ethics of Data Management in Mapping Crisis
New Book: Mapping Crisis
Resilient Media in Times of Crisis: Experiences from the Global South
Favela Digital Activism: The Use of Social Media to Fight Oppression and Injustice in Brazil
Working With Marginalised Communities: Let’s talk about ethics
Activism, Art-ivism and Digital Media to Reduce Marginalisation: Sharing Experiences and Lessons from Brazil, Kenya, Syria, and Costa Rica
Coronavirus: is working from home really better for the environment?
How to spot bogus science stories and read the news like a scientist
How ‘WhatsApp group admin’ became one of the most powerful jobs in politics
The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Masters House: New approaches to ethical issues in data
Captain Chainsaw is burning the Amazon, and the rest of the world is cheering him on.
Community, Media, and the City
Amazon fires: eight ways you can help stop the rainforest burning
How does today’s world compare with Orwell’s nightmare vision?
Tech companies collect our data every day, but even the biggest datasets can’t solve social issues
New Book: International Media Development: Historical Perspectives and New Frontiers
How Russian Rap on YouTube Advances Alternative Political Deliberation: Hegemony, Counter-Hegemony, and Emerging Resistant Publics
How Mexican advertising featuring rich white people perpetuates racism and classism
Solidarity, Social Media, and the “Refugee Crisis”: Engagement Beyond Affect
Crowdsourced mapping in crisis zones: collaboration, organisation and impact
Geographic Protest: The role of Counter-mapping in supporting campaigns against large-scale extractive projects in Colombia
New Book: Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture: Audiences, Social Media, and Big Data
Did You Find the World or Did You Make it Up? Media, Communications and Geography in the Digital Age
Queer in Your Ear: Connecting Space, Community, and Identity in LGBT BBC Radio Programs, 1992–2000
LGBTQ+ and Radio/Audio Media Symposium Introduction
Teaching vicarious trauma in the journalism classroom: An examination of educational provision in UK universities
Media and the ‘Populist Moment’
Distribution Dilemmas for Public Service Media: Evidence from the BBC
Maternal Rights Digital Activism and Intersectional Feminism: an Analysis of the Independent Media Platform “Cientista Que Virou Mãe”
Ferments in the Field: Introductory Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies
Will the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Be the “Smoking Gun” of Donald Trump’s Watergate?
What’s behind Alexei Navalny’s digital challenge to Vladimir Putin’s regime? Five things to know.
Online political trolling in the context of post-Gezi social media in Turkey
Call for Papers: Geography and Communications
Without social media, many Zimbabweans could have died in the Mugabe crisis
“I Am Burning, I Am Burning”: Affect, acid attacks and British tabloid newspapers
The First Rule Of Fight Club: Or 3 Reasons Why Rap Battles Are A (Political) Viral Hit In Russia
L-Makhzan al-’Akbari: Resistance, Remembrance and Remediation in Morocco
The Orwell Foundation and UCL Festival of Culture present 1984 Live
People Don’t Want Politics, They Want ‘Covfefe’
Don’t mock “frivolous” academic studies – pop culture is always political
Will 2017 be 1984? Rethinking Orwell’s dystopia
Records to Research: A personal journey with music and mental health
Connecting Communities: Knowledges, Maps and the Issue with Big Data
Cajamarca’s rejection of mining in Colombia was also a victory for social media and social mapping
Persistent Activist Communication in Occupy Gezi
Scienceish: 1984
Topping up the trust fund: restoring public confidence in science
Welcome to dystopia – George Orwell experts on Donald Trump
Book Review: Surveillance after Snowden
Morocco: Massive Protests Against Neoliberalism, Privatization Follow Death of Fish Seller
Fishy Neoliberalism in Morocco
A Look at the Other Morocco: From Protests Against Austerity to Occupation of Western Sahara
How the internet turned the US election into a medieval carnival
New approach to Africa representation in the media needed, says Winston Mano
Tony Wright Discusses Democracy in Britain with Jean Seaton for Political Quarterly
Social Movements and Political Agency in the Digital Age: A Communication Approach
Muralismo: Exploring the integralist and collectivist tradition in Lenca Honduran protest art
Gold. Power. Protest
The Whole World Turns Upside-down
Berta Cáceres: A Shining light
Power in the Age of Social Media
Tests for Egyptian Journalists
GIS, Big Data and lessons from the 19th Century
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